A vibrant brand refresh

As a creative director at Siegel+Gale, I led the evolution of SAP’s visual identity system. The engagement encompassed a deep analysis of SAP’s then current visual system followed by a strategic re-imagining of the brand. The final visual language builds on the brand’s primary color, SAP Gold, as a symbol of light and energy. More practically, the system includes a modular illustration system, enhanced photography and friendlier typography—all of which energize the brand and position SAP as a relentless innovator. The system received honors from the 2017 Clio Awards

Creative Director
Bret Hansen

Associate Creative Directors
Blake Bäkken
Mike Preston

Tyler Bensten

Embracing SAP Gold as a symbol of energy

color palette

Simple shapes tell complex stories

Say hello.

I’m always interested in talking about branding and design. Drop me a line.